Monday, June 29, 2020

DAY 6 - College Admissions Presentation, Reviewing Teen Stressors, and Intro to Storyboarding for PBL

Please sign the attendance sheet >>HERE
Today's Jamboard is >>HERE

Guest Speaker - College Presentation
Reviewing Teen Stressors,
Storyboarding - 1.  How-To, 2. Rough plan, 3. Refined slideshow
Presentation Rubric
PBL Team Work Planning
Assemble students into groups for PSA production

Essential Questions:
-  How am I representing my knowledge and understanding?  How can I effectively influence an audience's opinion on a topic?

Guest Speaker - College Admissions Presentation

Reviewing Teen Stressors
Emotions and Mental Health for Teens. >>HERE
- Read the articles about different causes of stress, and techniques to resolve or manage them.

Storyboarding - 1.  How-To, 2. Rough plan, 3. Refined slideshow
Storyboard Example document >>HERE
Storyboard Template >>HERE

VIDEO: What is a Storyboard? >>HERE

Two methods of Storyboarding >>HERE

--ONLINE RESOURCE: Storyboard Creator  >>HERE

1.) Design a skit about a teenager who encounters a moment of stress, but also how it is resolved.  Decide where the story takes place, the specific causes of stress felt by the teen, and a technique used to manage the effects of the stress.

Presentation Rubric >>HERE

PBL Team Work Planning
PBL Task List document >>HERE

PSA production groups
The project presentations will take place at the start of class on Thursday.

Closing.  Student Project Work Time.

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